
Bastille Day!

For those of you who don't know today (or yesterday since this is a late post) was Bastille Day, or France's independence day. Also, if you don't know I'm an avid French lover. I'm president of french club, going into my fourth year of studying the language, and I'm hopefully going to minor in French. So, because I love French culture, and because I feel like I should take advantage of any chance to celebrate with food, Joel and I had our own French celebration in reverence of the occasion...
1 & 2: We started out the morning with some peach french toast (which was really made in America but oh well..) made from this recipe. It was pretty delicious.
3, 4, & 5: After that we just lazed around as I sang French songs to myself until it was time to make some quiche. (yeah we celebrated mostly through food and traveling to the store for ingredients to make said food).
6 & 7: Later on I had joel take some photos for my next restyle, which coiencidently has a french phrase on it. This photo is me directing him how to take the shot... 
8: Finally, we saw Moonrise Kingdom. I know it's not french but I still hadn't seen it and I'm a big Wes Anderson fan since The Royal Tenenbaums happens to be my favorite movie. I would do a blog about how good it was, and how I couldn't get over the girl's cute outfits, but I'm afraid I'm late to that bandwagon. 

So, maybe the day wasn't as frenchy as it sounded at first. But hey it's the thought that counts. Congrats to France on overthrowing the Monarchs.
beaucoup l'amour, 
Sarah jasmine. 

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